Monday, April 21, 2014

It's been a while….

I realise it has been a while since my last blog post. All of my fellow teachers understand how it is, we get so busy in the classroom that when we go home it's chill out time and the blog gets pushed to the end of the 'to-do' list. 

Contemporary learning in Year Six.
This time last year I made myself a goal of using Twitter. I am now obsessed with it and use it several times each day to hare and gather information (@Gabrielle Trinca if you aren't already following me).This year my goal is to update my blog more frequently. So, I have set a bunch of reminders in my phone and let's hope they work. 

My desk - trolley on wheels.

This year I have a Year Six class. From what people had previously told me about being a Year Six Teacher, I knew I would be a little busier than last year, but I didn't realise just how busy! It's the usual teaching schedule and marking load; but also preparation for weekly assemblies, leadership skills (Year Six students are the leaders of Catholic primary schools here), camps, special assemblies, services, student councils, Confirmation and a bunch of other things. This year I also took on the role of Exemplary Educator for the CEO, specialising in the use of technology in the classroom. Busy, busy busy, but loving it!!

At the start of this year I set up my new contemporary classroom. It's a fair bit bigger than last year's room and has several areas that students can break out into. I love that my students are independent learners that move around the classroom and the surrounding areas constantly, taking into consideration the task they are working on. 

Using the rainbow table.
This year I ordered a new table. My students call it the 'rainbow table' because of its shape. Online it is called an explicit teaching table. I absolutely love it! Most of the time we use it as a space where students can go to learn from an expert. That may be myself, a peer or a guest to our classroom. They come to the table, receive the assistance needed and when they feel that they can be independent again they move away. This then opens a spot for another child. Sometimes students gather here to share ideas and offer constructive feedback to each other. It's another 'watering hole' for them to come together and share with each other. 

Miss Cooper, myself and
Miss Thomson.
This year will continue to be busy but I'm planning on staying on top of the work load and balancing it with a bit of life. I have a brilliant bunch of students who make me smile constantly and are such creative thinkers. As well as that, there are two new staff at school who are 'young' like me (name given to use from 'older' staff members). I love having them at school because we can bounce a whole bunch of ideas off each other and learn from our successes and failures together. 

One term down and three to go!! Bring it on!!

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